Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can I come on an empty or full stomach?

    Acupuncture is never recommended on an empty nor full stomach. If you had not had a meal for the day yet, please be sure to have at least eaten a small snack before arriving for your appointment.

  2. What insurance do you accept?

    Our primary practitioner is in network with most insurance companies that offer PPO plans. However, not all PPO plans have benefits for acupuncture, and not all PPO plans within the insurance company accept network participation from acupuncturists.

    We will research benefit information prior to your initial appointment, and provide you with benefits information to the best of our abilities. However, we strongly encourage you to verify your benefit information with your insurer as well.

    Any quote of benefits given by Applied Natural Health is not a guarantee of coverage nor payment from your insurance plan. In some circumstances, your insurance company may cover services differently after a claim has been submitted.

  3. What if my plan is out of network?

    Our services are prompt-pay only. As a courtesy, we will submit out-of-network claims on patients’ behalf. However, there may be cases where the patient’s insurance company will not accept submissions directly from out-of-network providers’ office. In these situations, our office can provide an itemized receipt that you can submit directly to your insurance to request out of network reimbursement.

  4. I verified that I have acupuncture coverage, but nothing paid out?

    Most plans have deductibles that need to be met before insurance will begin covering at a percentage. Some plans also have visit limits allowed per year. Please keep in mind that visits used before deductible has been satisfied will still count towards your visit limit for the year. In some circumstances, your insurance company may cover services differently after a claim has been submitted. This is determined by your insurance company, so is out of any healthcare facility’s control.

    Plan terms and conditions also change year to year—some plans no longer cover acupuncture or decrease number of visits allowed at the start of a new year. It is your responsibility to verify this information before you seek medical service from any healthcare facility.

  5. Do you accept Medicare or Medi-Cal?

    As acupuncture is not a covered benefit through Medicare nor Medi-Cal, we do not at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience.

  6. Do you accept Workers Compensation cases?

    In most cases, yes, as long as the patient has obtained a certified Utilization Review letter from their Workers Comp case manager.

  7. Do you accept auto injury cases?

    We do on a case by case basis.